
Màrtainn Skene Dance Band on Take the Floor

generic music image for Take the Floor

BBC Radio Scotland’s Take The Floor will be back tomorrow evening with 2 more hours of Scottish music and the first hour is led by the Màrtainn Skene Highland Dance Band.

As mentioned before, we’ve been in touch with presenter, Gary Innes and producer, Jennifer Cruickshank who have shared that we can look forward this week to Martainn and the band leading us through The Dashing White Sergeant and The Reel of the 51st Division.

But on Sunday’s the choice is over to you - Dance Scottish At Home shared the news that dancers can look forward to a new request show on Sundays at 5pm on BBC Radio Scotland - Take The Floor Ceilidh, starting this Sunday.

Contact the team to request dances, favourite recordings and tunes by emailing or you can phone in while the programme is live.

Gary and the team would love to hear from you.

Both programmes will be available via BBC iPlayer and the BBC Sounds App.

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF